Wheelchair ramps are designed to provide ease of access in a variety of areas, including homes, public or commercial buildings, and vehicles. In assisted living or home healthcare situations, a wheelchair ramp can offer increased mobility for your loved ones.
According to a brief regarding accessibility and the environment, The Center for Disease Control (CDC) claims that a lack of wheelchair ramps can potentially create a barrier for disabled or elderly people. To help your loved one achieve their level of desired mobility, here is a look at the different kinds of wheelchair ramps that can provide maximum access in a variety of contexts.
What Type of Wheelchair Ramp is Right for You?
There are a variety of wheelchair ramps that are intended to provide maximum accessibility. To help you find the wheelchair ramp that is right for your home, here is a look at some of the most common types of wheelchair ramps.
Threshold. Threshold ramps are designed to provide a smooth transition over metal thresholds or sidewalk curbs. These ramps can be attached to any doorway or entryway to enable wheelchairs to enter and exit easily.
Permanent. A permanent wheelchair ramp is typically an exterior ramp that is permanently connected to a structure. These ramps are often installed at the entryway of a home or business to provide long-term ease of access for wheelchairs. Permanent ramps can be constructed of a variety of materials, including concrete, wood, or metal.
Modular. A modular wheelchair ramp is a semi-permanent wheelchair ramp that can be a versatile accessibility option. These ramps often feature a prefabricated metal construction that can be quickly attached to a variety of exterior structures. Modular ramps offer the same long-term access as permanent ramps, but modular ramps can also be disassembled and removed if needed.
Suitcase. A suitcase ramp is a highly mobile wheelchair ramp that can provide access for wheelchairs in a range of contexts. These wheelchair ramps are designed to fold up for easy transportation. Suitcase ramps can be rapidly deployed in any situation where quick access for wheelchairs is needed.
Telescoping. Telescoping ramps can be used to provide wheelchairs with easy access to vehicles. These ramps typically use two parallel ramps channels to provide access into vehicles that aren’t equipped with wheelchair ramps. Telescoping ramps feature a mobile design that makes them convenient to transport.
The Advantages of Having a Wheelchair Ramp
Reduce the Risk of Injury. Wheelchair ramps are designed to be deployed in a variety of areas to provide maximum accessibility. One of the benefits of using wheelchair ramps is that they are designed to make navigating over obstacles—such as stairs or curbs—easier for people in wheelchairs. Because of this, wheelchair ramps play a significant role in decreasing the potential for injury in areas with minimal mobility.
Support Caregivers. Providing transportation or living assistance to someone who is confined to a wheelchair can be challenging for caregivers. For environments without adequate equipment, caregivers are even at risk for injuries resulting from muscle strain or over-exertion.
Wheelchair ramps are designed to provide ease of access for wheelchairs and caregivers in restrictive environments. Not only can wheelchair ramps make an area safe for people who use them, but they can alleviate challenges for caregivers as well.
Simplified Transportation. Wheelchair ramps designed for vehicle access can provide people with simplified transportation. Wheelchair ramps—such as telescoping ramps—can even allow for access in vehicles that don’t have wheelchair ramps. Keeping a wheelchair ramp in a vehicle will ensure that accessibility is available at a moment’s notice.
Increased Independence. Installing wheelchair ramps in your home can maximize the level of independence resulting from increased accessibility. Wheelchair ramps can make it possible for people to freely move from one area of the home to another without being impeded by obstacles or barriers. Wheelchair ramps can even enable people to go outside without assistance.
Allows for Greater Access. Many homes and buildings are not designed to facilitate wheelchair mobility. Because of this, wheelchairs are often limited by structural barriers or physical obstacles. Wheelchair ramps can make it possible for people to access areas that they couldn’t before.
Some areas of a home or business feature step transitions from one room to another. These obstacles can make it nearly impossible for a wheelchair to access entire rooms or areas of a structure. A strategically deployed threshold ramp can make transitioning from one area to another safe and easy for wheelchairs.
Find the Home Healthcare Equipment that is Right for You
In addition to wheelchair ramps, a wide range of medically beneficial accessibility devices can help increase your elderly loved one’s mobility and quality of life. Transfer Master is the industry leader in electric hospital beds and mattresses that will help people easily transition from wheelchair to bed or bed to wheelchair. Take a look at our selection of innovative adjustable home hospital beds and find the product that is right for you.