Home health care is a form of assisted living for older adults. Professional caregivers typically provide this form of care in a person’s home rather than in a live-in facility. Family members also often play an integral role in providing home health care. If you are considering transitioning your elderly loved one to home health care, here are the steps you can take to develop a home health care plan.
Home Health Care is Increasingly Common
According to a brief that outlines at-home caregiving, The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) claims that 1 in 4 Americans are currently caregivers. Similarly, in a report on the growing need for at-home health care, the World Health Organization (WHO) advises that the demand for home health care will only intensify as populations around the world continue to age. The report from the WHO claims that between the years 2000 and 2050, the number of elderly people is projected to increase by 135%.
This precipitous rise in the elderly population only serves to reinforce the importance of home health care. Developing a home health care plan can help everyone prepare to provide assistance to their elderly loved ones when the time comes.
How to Develop a Home Health Care Plan
Compile Essential Medical Information. One of the first things you should do when developing a home health care plan is to compile all of your loved one’s important medical documents—including treatment plans, medical information, and medical history. Try to keep all of this vital information in the same place so that it can be accessed easily.
Even if a professional home care agency is going to provide home health care to your loved one, it’s ideal for family members to compile an accessible medical history and treatment plan prior to contracting outside help. If you decide to switch agencies or provide home health care yourself, you’ll have all the necessary information ready to go.
Check with Insurance. Another aspect of developing a home health care plan is insurance coverage. It’s essential to contact your loved one’s insurance agency and determine which services they are eligible for and which services they are not. This will help you begin to contact home care agencies and establish a plan for long-term assistance.
If your loved one is a Medicare recipient, they may also be eligible to receive in-home care. In a report that outlines the growing need for elderly home health care services, The World Health Organization (WHO) advises Medicare recipients they will likely only be eligible to receive coverage if the services are deemed medically necessary by a certified medical professional. As you are preparing to create a home health care plan, coordinate with your loved one’s doctors to see what course of treatment or services they recommend.
Consult with Medical Professionals. The recommendations of medical professionals are indispensable when creating a home health care plan for your loved one. Doctors and other licensed medical practitioners can advise you concerning the best course of treatment and care for your elderly parent, friend, or relative. Medical professionals can also help you determine what degree of in-home assistance is necessary for your loved one.
This information will enable you to determine what kind of agency to contact for assistance when developing a home health care plan. Doctors and medical professionals can also help you determine what medical equipment an elderly patient requires. Before making any decisions about what kinds of services or medical devices to procure for your loved one, it’s always a good idea to consult with medical experts first.
Create a Schedule of Care. Taking care of an elderly loved one can be mentally and emotionally taxing. In a fact sheet designed to provide support for at-home caregivers, the HHS cautions that the stress of caregiving can lead to health problems like depression, arthritis, or even diabetes. The HHS identifies the root cause of these medical complications in caregivers as stress.
Creating a schedule of care will help caregivers manage the stress of taking care of their loved ones. Consult with the home care agency or other family members that will be providing care for your loved one when creating a schedule of care. The HHS recommends taking time to do things you enjoy in order to combat the demands and stress of at-home caregiving.
Compile a List of Necessary Equipment. Another important component of developing an at-home health care plan for your loved one is to determine what kind of medical equipment they will need. Choosing the right medical equipment can make caregiving easier for everyone.
Electric hospital beds from Transfer Master are available to provide maximum home care assistance. These adjustable hospital beds will support elderly people as they transition in and out of bed. Electric hospital beds feature superior adjustability and a full range of functions designed to create a comfortable sleeping environment.
Develop a Plan that is Right for Your Loved One
Developing the right home health care plan for your loved one can be a challenging endeavor. By creating a detailed home health care plan, you can alleviate the stress of home transitioning to home care and find the assistance that is best for your loved one.